Ajutor pentru interogare rapidă

Am un tabel cu aproape 6 milioane de rezultate.
Vreau să știu dacă se poate face ceva pentru a crește viteza de procesare și să mă ajutați cumva.
Aici este demo: https://sanatate.us/test.php

Codurile php sunt următoarele:


	$page = (int)$_GET['page'];
	$page = 1;

try { 
    $db = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=XXX', 'XXX', 'XXX');  
} catch (PDOException $e) { 
    exit('Error!: '.$e->getMessage());  

$options = array (
	'results_per_page' => 10,
	'url' => '/test.php?page=*VAR*',
	'db_handle' => $db

try {
    $paginate = new pagination($page, 'select id,name from RegUser order by id', $options);
} catch(paginationException $e) {

if($paginate->success == true) {
    $result = $paginate->resultset->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    foreach($result as $row) { 
        echo $row['id'].' - '.$row['name'].'<br/>';

	echo '<p>'.$paginate->links_html.'</p>';
	echo '<p>Pagini totale: '.$paginate->total_pages.'<br/>';
	echo 'Total rezultate: '.$paginate->total_results.'</p>';


class Pagination {
    protected $options = array(
        'results_per_page'              => 10,
        'max_pages_to_fetch'            => 10000000,
        'url'                           => '',
        'url_page_number_var'           => '*VAR*',
        'text_prev'                     => '&laquo; Prev',
        'text_next'                     => 'Next &raquo;',
        'text_first'                    => '&laquo; First',
        'text_last'                     => 'Last &raquo;',
        'text_ellipses'                 => '...',
        'class_ellipses'                => 'ellipses',
        'class_dead_links'              => 'dead-link',
        'class_live_links'              => 'live-link',
        'class_current_page'            => 'current-link',
        'class_ul'                      => 'pagination',
        'current_page_is_link'          => true,
        'show_links_first_last'         => true,
        'show_links_prev_next'          => true,
        'show_links_first_last_if_dead' => true,
        'show_links_prev_next_if_dead'  => true,
        'max_links_between_ellipses'    => 7,
        'max_links_outside_ellipses'    => 2,
        'db_conn_type'                  => 'pdo',  /* Can be either: 'mysqli' or 'pdo' */
        'db_handle'                     => 0,
        'named_params'                  => false,
        'using_bound_params'            => false,
        'using_bound_values'            => false
    public $success = true;
    protected $current_page;
    protected $query;
    protected $number_of_links_before_showing_ellipses;
    protected $pdos;
    public $resultset;
    public $total_results;
    public $total_pages;
    public $links_array;
    public $links_html;

    * __construct(int $surrent_page, string $query, array $options)
    * Class constructor
    * @access  public
    * @param   int     $current_page  The number of the current page (Starts at 1)
    * @param   string  $query         The query to run on the database
    * @param   array   $options       An array of options
    * @return  void
    public function __construct($current_page = 1, $query = '', $options = null)
        $this->run($current_page, $query, $options);

     * run(int $surrent_page, string $query, array $options)
     * Run the class
     * @access  public
     * @param   int     $current_page  The number of the current page (Starts at 1)
     * @param   string  $query         The query to run on the database
     * @param   array   $options       An array of options
     * @return  void
    public function run($current_page = 1, $query = '', $options = null)
         * Set the current page
        $this->current_page = $current_page;

         * Set the query to run
        $this->query = $query;

         * Populate the options array
        if($this->set_options($options) == true)
             * Add any extra code into the query

             * Execute the SQL

             * Calculate the total number of pages

             * Work out the total number of pages before an ellipses is shown

             * Build the HTML to output

             * Set success to true
            $this->success = true;
             * Set success to false
            $this->success = false;

     * set_options(array $options)
     * Apply any options that have been provided
     * @access  protected
     * @param   array   $options  An array of options
     * @return  void
    protected function set_options($options = null)
            foreach($options as $key => $value)
                if(array_key_exists($key, $this->options))
                    $this->options[$key] = $value;
                    throw new paginationException('Attempted to add setting \''.$key.'\' with the value \''.$value.'\' - option does not exist');

         * Check to make sure we've been given a db handle
        if(trim($this->options['url']) == '')
            throw new paginationException('You have not provided a URL - please pass one with the option \'url\'');
            return false;

         * Check to make sure we've been given a db handle
        if(is_int($this->options['db_handle']) && $this->options['db_handle'] == 0)
            throw new paginationException('You have not provided a DB Handle (Object) - please pass one with the option \'db_handle\'');
            return false;

         * Check to make sure 'max_links_between_ellipses' is an odd number
        if(!($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] & 1))
            throw new paginationException('Setting \'max_links_between_ellipses\' has been set with the value \''.$this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'].'\' - This number must be an odd number');
            return false;

         * Check to make sure the page number variable is in the URL
        $page_number_var_position = strpos($this->options['url'], $this->options['url_page_number_var']);
        if($page_number_var_position === false)
            throw new paginationException('You have not placed the variable in your URL that will be replaced with the page number - please add this variable where required: <strong>'.$this->options['url_page_number_var'].'<strong>');
            return false;

         * If the checks have passed, return true
        return true;

     * prepare_query(void)
     * Prepares the query to be run with the found rows and start/end limits
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function prepare_query()
         * Add SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS (If it's not there) for finding out total amount of results later on
        if(substr($this->query, 0, 26) != 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')
          * Support for queries starting with "(", mostly used when UNION

          if(substr($this->query, 0, 1) == '(')
            $this->query = substr_replace(trim($this->query), '(SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', 0, 7);
            $this->query = substr_replace(trim($this->query), 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', 0, 6);

         * Add our start/end limit
        if($this->current_page == 1)
            $this->query .= ' LIMIT 0, '.$this->options['results_per_page'];
            $this->query .= ' LIMIT '.(($this->current_page - 1) * $this->options['results_per_page']).', '.$this->options['results_per_page'];

     * excecute_query(void)
     * Run's the query against the database
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function excecute_query()
        if($this->options['db_conn_type'] == 'mysqli')
             * Execute using MySQLi
            $this->resultset = $this->options['db_handle']->query($this->query);

             * Get the total results with FOUND_ROWS()
            $count_rows = $this->options['db_handle']->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS();');
            $found_rows = $count_rows->fetch_assoc();
            $this->total_results = $found_rows['FOUND_ROWS()'];
        elseif($this->options['db_conn_type'] == 'pdo')
            if($this->options['using_bound_params'] == false && $this->options['using_bound_values'] == false)
                 * Execute using PDO - not using bindParams
                $pdos = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare($this->query);

                 * Use plain method or bind some named params
                 * Using alternate styles to avoid any errors with empty arrays
                if($this->options['named_params'] == false)

                $this->resultset = $pdos;

                 * Get the total results with FOUND_ROWS()
                $pdos_fr = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
                $pdos_fr_result = $pdos_fr->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                $this->total_results = $pdos_fr_result['FOUND_ROWS()'];
                 * Excecute using PDO, but pause for binding params
                $this->pdos = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare($this->query);
             * An unknown DB connection type has been set
            throw new paginationException('You have selected a \'db_conn_type\' of \''.$this->options['db_conn_type'].'\' - this method is not supported');

     * bindParam(standard params)
     * Bind params to the query
     * @access  public
     * @param   multi   Typical bindParam attr
     * @return  void
    public function bindParam($a = null, $b = null, $c = null, $d = null, $e = null)
        $this->pdos->bindParam($a, $b, $c, $d, $e);

     * bindValue(standard params)
     * Bind values to the query
     * @access  public
     * @param   multi   Typical bindValue attr
     * @return  void
    public function bindValue($a = null, $b = null, $c = null)
        $this->pdos->bindValue($a, $b, $c);

     * execute(void)
     * Continues the execution of the query after binding params
     * @access  public
     * @return  void
    public function execute()

        $this->resultset = $this->pdos;

         * Get the total results with FOUND_ROWS()
        $pdos_fr = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
        $pdos_fr_result = $pdos_fr->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $this->total_results = $pdos_fr_result['FOUND_ROWS()'];

         * Calculate the total number of pages

         * Work out the total number of pages before an ellipses is shown

         * Build the HTML to output

         * Set success to true
        $this->success = true;

    protected function calculate_number_of_pages() { 
        if(ceil($this->total_results / $this->options['results_per_page']) > $this->options['max_pages_to_fetch']) { 
            $this->total_pages = $this->options['max_pages_to_fetch'];
        } else { 
            $this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_results / $this->options['results_per_page']);

     * calculate_max_pages_before_ellipses(void)
     * Calculates the number of links to show before showing an ellipses
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function calculate_max_pages_before_ellipses()
        $this->number_of_links_before_showing_ellipses = $this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + ($this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'] * 2);

     * build_link_url(int $page_number)
     * Builds the URL to insert in links
     * @access  protected
     * @param   int     $page_number  The page number to insert into the link
     * @return  string                The built URL
    protected function build_link_url($page_number)
        return str_replace($this->options['url_page_number_var'], $page_number, $this->options['url']);

     * get_current_or_normal_class(int $page_number)
     * Returns the live link class, or link link and current page class
     * @access  protected
     * @param   int     $page_number  The page number to insert into the link
     * @return  string                The class to use
    protected function get_current_or_normal_class($page_number)
        if($page_number == $this->current_page)
            return $this->options['class_live_links'].' '.$this->options['class_current_page'];
            return $this->options['class_live_links'];

     * build_links(void)
     * Build the HTML links
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links()
         * Start the UL
        $this->links_html = '<ul class="'.$this->options['class_ul'].'">'.PHP_EOL;


         * Build our main links
        if($this->total_pages <= $this->number_of_links_before_showing_ellipses)
             * We have enough links to show the ellipses, so run through other method
            if($this->current_page <= (($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'])) - 2)
            elseif($this->current_page > (($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) - 2) && $this->current_page < (($this->total_pages - ($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) + 1) + 2))


         * Close the UL
        $this->links_html .= '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;

     * build_li_element(string $class, string $text, bool $is_link, int $page_number)
     * Builds LI elements
     * @access  protected
     * @param   string     $class        The class to apply to the LI
     * @param   string     $text         The text for the LI element
     * @param   bool       $is_link      If this is a link or not
     * @param   int        $page_number  The page number to use (if a link)
     * @return  void
    public function build_li_element($class, $text, $is_link = false, $page_number = 0)
        if($is_link == false)
            $this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$class.'"><span>'.$text.'</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
            $this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$class.'"><a href="'.$this->build_link_url($page_number).'">'.$text.'</a></li>'.PHP_EOL;

     * build_links_first_prev(void)
     * Builds (if required) the First/Prev links
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links_first_prev()
         * The 'First' link
        if($this->options['show_links_first_last'] == true)
            if($this->current_page == 1 && $this->options['show_links_first_last_if_dead'] == true)
                $this->build_li_element($this->options['class_dead_links'], $this->options['text_first']);
            elseif($this->current_page != 1)
                $this->build_li_element($this->options['class_live_links'], $this->options['text_first'], true, 1);

            $this->links_array['extras']['first'] = array(
                'page_number'     => 1,
                'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == 1 ? 1 : 0),
                'link_url'        => $this->build_link_url(1),
                'label'           => $this->options['text_first']

         * The 'Previous' link
        if($this->options['show_links_prev_next'] == true)
            if($this->current_page == 1 && $this->options['show_links_prev_next_if_dead'] == true)
                $this->build_li_element($this->options['class_dead_links'], $this->options['text_prev']);
            elseif($this->current_page != 1)
                $this->build_li_element($this->options['class_live_links'], $this->options['text_prev'], true, ($this->current_page - 1));

            $this->links_array['extras']['previous'] = array(
                'page_number'     => ($this->current_page != 1 ? $this->current_page - 1 : 1),
                'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == 1 ? 1 : 0),
                'link_url'        => ($this->current_page != 1 ? $this->build_link_url($this->current_page - 1) : $this->build_link_url(1)),
                'label'           => $this->options['text_prev']

     * loop_through_links(int $start, int $finish)
     * Loops through a given range of numbers and add's then as links in the html
     * @access  protected
     * @param   int     $start   The number to start looping
     * @param   int     $finish  The number to finish looping
     * @return  void
    protected function loop_through_links($start, $finish, $array_block_label = '')
        $counter = $start;

        while($counter <= $finish)
            if($this->options['current_page_is_link'] == false && $counter == $this->current_page)
                $this->build_li_element($this->get_current_or_normal_class($counter), $counter);
                $this->build_li_element($this->get_current_or_normal_class($counter), $counter, true, $counter);

            $this->links_array['links'][$array_block_label][] = array(
                'page_number'     => $counter,
                'is_current_page' => ($counter == $this->current_page ? 1 : 0),
                'link_url'        => $this->build_link_url($counter)


     * add_ellipses(void)
     * Add's an ellipses to the html
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function add_ellipses()
        $this->build_li_element($this->options['class_ellipses'], $this->options['text_ellipses']);

     * build_links_skip_all_ellipses(void)
     * Add all links, with no ellipses at all
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links_skip_all_ellipses()
         * If there's not enough links to have an ellipses in the set, just run through them all
        $this->loop_through_links(1, $this->total_pages, 0);

     * build_links_skip_first_ellipses(void)
     * Add all links, without the first ellipses
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links_skip_first_ellipses()
         * Type 1 - skipping the first ellipses due to being low in the current page number
        $this->loop_through_links(1, ($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']), 0);


        $this->loop_through_links((($this->total_pages - $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) + 1), $this->total_pages, 1);

     * build_links_dont_skip_ellipses(void)
     * Add all links, with both sets of ellipses
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links_dont_skip_ellipses()
         * Type 2 - Current page is between both sets of ellipses
        $this->loop_through_links(1, $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'], 0);


        $before_after = (($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] - 1) / 2);

        $this->loop_through_links(($this->current_page - $before_after), ($this->current_page + $before_after), 1);


        $this->loop_through_links((($this->total_pages - $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) + 1), $this->total_pages, 2);

     * build_links_dont_skip_ellipses(void)
     * Add all links, without the last ellipses
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links_skip_last_ellipses()
         * Type 3 - skipping the last ellipses due to being high in the current page number
        $this->loop_through_links(1, $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'], 0);


        $this->loop_through_links((($this->total_pages - ($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'])) + 1), $this->total_pages, 1);

     * build_links_next_last(void)
     * Builds (if required) the Next/Last links
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function build_links_next_last()
         * The 'Next' link
        if($this->options['show_links_prev_next'] == true)
            if($this->current_page == $this->total_pages && $this->options['show_links_prev_next_if_dead'] == true)
                $this->links_html .= '<li  class="'.$this->options['class_dead_links'].'"><span>'.$this->options['text_next'].'</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
            elseif($this->current_page != $this->total_pages)
                $this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_live_links'].'"><a href="'.$this->build_link_url($this->current_page + 1).'">'.$this->options['text_next'].'</a></li>'.PHP_EOL;

            $this->links_array['extras']['next'] = array(
                'page_number'     => ($this->current_page != $this->total_pages ? $this->current_page + 1 : $this->total_pages),
                'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == $this->total_pages ? 1 : 0),
                'link_url'        => ($this->current_page != $this->total_pages ? $this->build_link_url($this->current_page + 1) : $this->build_link_url($this->total_pages)),
                'label'           => $this->options['text_next']

         * The 'Last' link
        if($this->options['show_links_first_last'] == true)
            if($this->current_page == $this->total_pages && $this->options['show_links_first_last_if_dead'] == true)
                $this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_dead_links'].'"><span>'.$this->options['text_last'].'</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
            elseif($this->current_page != $this->total_pages)
                $this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_live_links'].'"><a href="'.$this->build_link_url($this->total_pages).'">'.$this->options['text_last'].'</a></li>'.PHP_EOL;

            $this->links_array['extras']['last'] = array(
                'page_number'     => $this->total_pages,
                'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == $this->total_pages ? 1 : 0),
                'link_url'        => $this->build_link_url($this->total_pages),
                'label'           => $this->options['text_last']


class paginationException extends Exception { 
    public function __construct($message) { 
    public function __toString() { 
        return '<strong>Eroare:</strong> '.$this->message.PHP_EOL;

Tabelul din baza de date este cam așa:

Clasa Pagination merge ok :wink:

La 6 mil de integistrari un index ar merge.

Am index pus pe toate.

Abordarea cu un query care selecteaza toate inregistrarile, daca sunt asa de multe, nu e tocmai in regula.

Cu limit si offset din mysql?
Faci offset in functie de pagina si numarul de inregistrari pe pagina.

Eu as folosi bigint pentru primary key.

Există deja setat, nu ai văzut codul?

Am setat bigint dar nu cred că ajută cu ceva.

Una dintre problem pare sa fie SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS :

Din ce am citit este mai bine sa faci 2 queri-uri mai ales daca ai o tabela mare

Din testele facute pe o tabela de 2m asta pare sa fie problema iar a explain al
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS table.* FROM table limit 3,2
rezulta ca nu foloseste index
Select count(*) from table foloseste

Da, se pare că SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS îngreunează puțin, cum aș putea să modific?

Scoti asta SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS din query si faci unul separat (select count(*)) pentru a obtine numarul total de inregistrari.

Am înlocuit SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS cu count(*) dar nu mai merge deloc după… nu știu cum să fac…

     * prepare_query(void)
     * Prepares the query to be run with the found rows and start/end limits
     * @access  protected
     * @return  void
    protected function prepare_query()
         * Add SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS (If it's not there) for finding out total amount of results later on
        if(substr($this->query, 0, 26) != 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')
          * Support for queries starting with "(", mostly used when UNION

          if(substr($this->query, 0, 1) == '(')
            $this->query = substr_replace(trim($this->query), '(SELECT count(*)', 0, 7);
            $this->query = substr_replace(trim($this->query), 'SELECT count(*)', 0, 6);

         * Add our start/end limit
        if($this->current_page == 1)
            $this->query .= ' LIMIT 0, '.$this->options['results_per_page'];
            $this->query .= ' LIMIT '.(($this->current_page - 1) * $this->options['results_per_page']).', '.$this->options['results_per_page'];

nu ai modificat aici
LE - testeaza si vezi daca merge

substr($this->query, 0, 28) != 'select count(*) from RegUser')

Probabil vor mai trebui făcute si alte modificări in cod. Ai niste if-uri care nu se pupa

Eu zic sa renunti la clasa aia și sa te inspiri de aici.


Eu vreau să îmbunătățesc acea clasă dacă se poate sau să găsesc ceva mai bun pentru că nu știu mare lucru să pornesc de la zero. Am pus așa cum mi-ai zis tu dar degeaba, nu merge…

Abordarea ta curentă pleacă de la o problemă greșită. Tu încerci să implementezi/adaptezi o soluție fără să o înțelegi, iar asta nu poate duce decât la probleme. Mai devreme sau mai târziu vei avea probleme cu bucata asta de cod.

Eu îți recomand să abordezi problema diferit:

  1. Stabilești dacă este o problemă de SQL sau de PHP (cel mai probabil SQL);
  2. Separi PHP de SQL. Adică încerci să scrii query-ul direct în SQL și faci debug, benchmark și optimizări direct în phpmyadmin (sau ce client folosești). Cât ești aici, înțelegi și logica din spatele paginării;
  3. Când ești mulțumită de rezultat, integrezi și în PHP.

În felul ăsta vei obține două lucruri:

  1. vei înțelege problema
  2. vei înțelege soluția