Colaborare proiect front-end

Cautam un colaborator disponibil imediat, pentru un proiect de front end.

Mai exact este vorba despre un carousel cu animation on scroll.

Resources that we have:

  • Wordpress Theme source code
  • 4 video animations (1 file with all, and 3 with transitions from one to the other)
  • PSDs and fonts
  • JPG mockups

Project Requirements:

  • slider centered vertically on page (rules for really big screens? max-height)
  • full width (no scroll on the page - fixed viewport?)
  • text transition out bottom to top animation
  • scroll back up, animations would be in reverse (including videos)
  • 3 little dots (indicators) on the side
  • couple of seconds delay? (if scrolling very fast, animations should be smooth)


  • no real scrolling (fixed viewport)
  • swiping switches slides and plays video
  • remove gray line on mobile, under menu (just for the homepage)

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