Despre ChatGPT. Oare unde va ajunge?

Devforum is a community for developers, by developers, and it is one of the largest and most active programming forums in Romania. The forum provides a space for programmers of all skill levels to share knowledge, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.

One of the main strengths of Devforum is its diversity of topics. The forum covers a wide range of programming languages and technologies, including Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, and more. This allows developers to find answers to their specific questions, as well as learn about new technologies and programming languages.

Devforum is also known for its friendly and helpful community. The forum is moderated by a team of experienced programmers who are dedicated to ensuring that the discussions are productive and respectful. They ensure that all members are treated with respect and are able to ask questions without fear of being ridiculed.

Another great feature of Devforum is its section dedicated to project collaboration. This section provides a platform for developers to connect and work together on open-source projects. This is a great opportunity for developers to gain experience working on real-world projects and collaborate with other developers from around the world.

For beginners, Devforum has a dedicated section called “Tutorials” where new programmers can learn how to code from scratch. This section is filled with beginner-friendly tutorials and guides, making it easy for new programmers to get started.

In addition to the forum, Devforum also has an active Discord community where developers can ask quick questions and get help in real-time. The community also organizes regular online coding competitions and workshops, giving developers the opportunity to test their skills and learn new things.

In conclusion, Devforum is a valuable resource for programmers of all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn how to code or an experienced developer looking for answers to specific questions, Devforum has something to offer. With a friendly community, a wide range of topics, and opportunities for collaboration and learning, Devforum is the perfect place for programmers in Romania to connect and grow.

Poate are dreptate :slight_smile:


check this out: Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT

Check this out too:

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ChatGPT si Wolfram Alpha

Q: If I invest 1000$ at 8% annual interest for 12 months how much I gain ? Let’s think step by step.

A: To calculate the amount of interest you will earn on an investment of $1000 at an annual interest rate of 8% over a period of 12 months, you can use the following formula:
I = P * r * t
I = Interest earned (in dollars)
P = Principal (the initial amount of the investment, in this case $1000)
r = Interest rate (expressed as a decimal, in this case 0.08 for 8%)
t = Time (the number of periods, in this case 12 months)
So, plugging in the values we have:
I = 1000 * 0.08 * 12
I = 960
Therefore, you would earn $960 in interest on a 1000 USD investment at 8% annual interest for 12 months.
So, in total you gain: 1000 + 960 = 1960 USD

E bine/rău?

Ma intreb oare ce au simtit oamenii care isi castigau painea facand parte din procesul asta, atunci cand au aparut primele calculatoare personale sau cand au aparut software-uri specializate in editare grafica, animatii, etc.

Cred ca au experimentat cam acelasi lucru pe care il simtim noi acum in legatura cu AI-ul. Interesant e totusi faptul ca desi tot procesul s-a schimbat, as spune ca nu si-au pierdut locurile de munca.
Fie ca acum deseneaza cu creionul pe foaie sau cu creionul pe tableta, in continuare e nevoie de skill-urile lor. Ce s-a schimbat in schimb e rezultatul obtinut.

Problema cu AI-ul e ca va exista in beneficiul mega-corporatiilor. Mi se pare ca cineva ne-a intins o bomboana, iar noi ne bucuram de ea ca niste copii ce suntem fara sa realizam ca intre timp am fost bagati in duba.
Sa vedem in ce fel va fi reglementat in perioada urmatoare.

Sunt curios sa vad in urmatorii ani cum se va schimba range-ul salarial in ceea ce ne priveste.
As spune ca nu ma tem atat de mult de AI in sine, precum ma tem de 2mld de chinezi si indieni cu astfel de tool-uri pe mana. Ar putea acapara piata fara nici un fel de problema.

Pana una alta, e posibil si sa ne fi uitat la prea multe filme si AI-ul sa nu atinga niciodata un nivel atat de avansat pe cat ne imaginam.
In ultimii ani am mai tot auzit si cat de grozava e tehnologia din spatele blockchain-ului si cum se va schimba din temelii tot sistemul financiar, precum ni s-a prezentat pompos si viitoarea noastra viata in metaverse.
Deocamdata numai vorbe.

sa-ti zica si unde bagi mia aia sa iti dea dupa un an 1960, ca ma bag si eu.


cred ca oamenii aia au fost cei care au folosit si primele programe de grafica si animatie, poate chiar dintre ei a pornit inovatia.
Ai-ul asta tot de programatori e facut.

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Perioada e un an, deci vine impartit la 1 nu 12, in rest e corect.

Daca il tii 3 ani, ar folosi aceeasi formula de dobanda simpla in loc de dobanda compusa. (trebuie sa adaugi si profitul reinvestit)

Dobândă compusă – vezi cel mai bun calculator online. Financer

Cumparati Microsoft :smiley:

Clippy vibes :smiley:

Promo, mai ales pentru cei din Oradea: facem un event despre chatGPT, Midjourney, CoPilot unde voi vorbi eu (pe partea tehnica), niste avocati si un CTO despre cum functioneaza generative AI, care e faza pe partea legala (copyright, privacy, etc.), si cum ne va impacta in urmatorii 10 ani.

CC pentru cei din Oradea: @pghoratiu @Emanuel_Gug @remussica @lotzy91 @tony


Suna interesant, o sa vin.
Am spus la un coleg, a zis ca daca nu se vorbeste si de Bard nu vine :laughing:

Daca se afla ceva informatii pana atunci despre Bard, o sa vorbesc si despre el :)))

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Pe cand si un event mai pe la mijlocul tarii pentru cei interesati?

Daca organizeaza cineva, eu ma bag sa vin sa vorbesc :smiley:

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eu cred ca voi lucrati pe multe proiecte green field, eu de ex am avut task sa scot lombk-ul de pe un serviciu, nu vad cum m-ar ajuta AI aici, sau sa fac migrare la noua versiunea de sprung, sau sa fixez bug-uri, unde 95% din timp e debugging si intelegerea problemei, nu alea cateva linii de apoi, apoi si cand fac ceva cat de cat nou, e asa ingrained in context ca nu vad cum as putea sa ii zic, aa vezi ca endpoint-ul asta desi e folosit peste tot in cazul asta nu se poate folosi, pt ca se creeaza o dependenta circulara.