Dev Salaries in Romania

Hi everyone :wave:

I’m an IT consultant from Germany and am considering moving to Romania.
As I will need to hire developers down the line, I’m curious on what the average salaries for employed junior- mid- and senior level Devs & DevOps Engineers are here?
Especially interested in Cluj-Napoca and București.

I did use the search, however I did not find any recent data.

Interesant ca scrii cu diacritice

Sau îl ajută autocorrect… Hai să nu fim hateri dacă avem și alte opțiuni :wink:

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Era o observatie rationala, dar poate engine-ul formului e destept si te ajuta sa scrii RO. Nu ma astept sa scriu in germana pe un forum DE cu tastatura mea US/RO. Corect ?

@alexjorj, cred ca ar scrie în română daca ar ști limba :slight_smile:

And for @Atkin , in Bucharest, the salary for a junior devops/developer is around 1.5k(can be higher, tho’) euro. Depends if the company is a Romanian one or if it’s a corporation. :slight_smile:
At least this is my observation

Also, you can use this site, The interface is in Romanian, but you can translate with Google Translate
Pick the Salarii tab and search for a company.

This is a search for devops. The salaries are in lei. 1 euro is 4.93 lei.

I hope my answer will help you. :slight_smile:

Have a nice weekend.

@RedGuard please do not bring the Indians or rant here. :grin:


You can also check this resource DocSend
Keep in mind though these are survey-based observations and the actual salaries may vary.