Enable TLS may improve performance

Am citit următorul articol, care părea foarte convingător, în care enumera următoarele motive pentru care TLS ar putea (oarecum suprinzător) să mărească viteza:

It’s fine text says “Only supports HTTP2 over TLS (https)”. That’s too bad because HTTP2 can provide a pretty hefty boost to performance.
In my tests, HTTP2 was ~2.5 times faster than HTTP1. Of course, your mileage may vary, but you don’t get any benefit unless you enable TLS.

How much better is Brotli compression? I used Fiddler’s Compressibility extension on the Chicago Cub’s site as a point of reference. They could reduce their page weight by 15.1% simply by switching to Brotli.
At the moment, Brotli is currently available for use in Firefox and behind a flag in Chrome and Opera - but only on TLS connections.

Service Workers are a JavaScript proxy that gives web developers ultimate control over how browsers interact with the network for their site. This means they have programmatic control of browser cache, and can leverage that to make sites not only work offline, but also to make them faster than ever.
All the power of Service Workers is only available with TLS.

In fact, the web’s spec writers even have new shorthand to define “powerful features” that will only work within a secure context. It seems clear to me that if they are going out of their way to define a shorthand for secure contexts, they plan on using them a lot more.


The truth of the matter is that yes, TLS in and of itself can degrade web performance. However, by optimizing TLS and certificate configuration one can drastically reduce the overhead of TLS. Don’t trust me? Take Google’s Adam Langley’s word for it.

Ca de-obicei, părerile/contraargumentele/comentariile sunt bine-venite. :wink:


Folosesc HTTP/2 cu nginx si let’s encrypt, mari diferente n-am vazut fiindca site-ul era deja extrem de rapid.
Ceea ce imi place totusi e ca pot sa scot oricand HTTP/1 din nginx in cazul unui atac DDOS si pa botneti fara sa afecteze clientii reali importanti.

Teoretic putem sa uitam de sprite-uri si alte tehnici de reducere a numarului de request-uri in cazul HTTP/2.