Finally, CSS In JavaScript! Meet CSSX

I dabble in front end development, and every time I have to do a project, I am amazed at how incredibly bad the process is. The tools in fashion change every few months (grunt, gulp, webpack, babel,browserify). Frameworks deprecate and remove stuff every few months (looking at you react). How do full time front end devs keep up with this nonsense? We seriously need a moratorium on this crap.

Aparent, este vorba de un fel de obsfurcation, folosit pentru a nu isi pastra joburile persoanele care nu invata constant ceva nou. Sau, poate, asa isi asigura creatorii acelor frameworkuri, atat lor, cat si developerilor, un loc de munca, cu o mai mica frica de a fi dat afara.

Daca stai sa te gandesti, multe din proiecte contin abstractizari inutile, doar pentru ca “asa e la moda”, sau developerul nu stie mai bine (related: frameworks vs architecture, vendor lock-in; Deasemenea, angajatorilor nu le pasa ca nu intelegi cum functioneaza, atata timp cat pare sa functioneze corect/corespunzator).