Funny dev related stuff - the chill corner 😂

The Holy Wars! :smiley: (next, vim vs emacs :laughing:)

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Al 3lea nivel: I hate all OSes equally.

In liceu aveam mega debate-uri cu un prieten, eu fiind Windows guy, el fiind Linux guy. Dupa vreo 5 ani, eu am ajuns sa fiu Linux guy, el sa fie Windows guy. Dupa inca 5 ani, ne plangem de toate sistemele de operare.

Ma intreb daca sunt oameni care folosesc OS-uri mai putin populare zilnic. Eg: Temple OS, Unix, Haiku, etc.

M-am gandit sa incerc sa folosesc un OS doar in cmdline dar inca n-am gasit curajul. :laughing: In teorie se poate trai exclusiv din consola. Ar fi un experiment interesant - mai vad pe reddit adoptatori ai acestei filozofii minimaliste.

Am avut ocazia sa folosesc (si sa programez pentru) HP-UX, Solaris si Irix.

Temple OS? :slight_smile: De ce ai folosi un jaf de-ala implementat de un tip cu probleme grave la mansarda?
Mai bine iti implementezi propriul tau OS, ar iesi mult mai avansat.

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Pentru că are inspirație divină, ignorantule !!!

Are o poveste wild. O teorie ar fi ca boala mentala l-a facut (in mod trist) un programator mai bun, sau cel putin mai dedicat (sa te apuci sa scrii un OS e commitment). Nu mai fericit, dar cu un POV unic si cu o alocare diferita a resurselor mentale.

Soon afterward, out of fear of the suited figures he believed to be following him, Davis left town and drove hundreds of miles south with no destination. After becoming convinced that his car radio was communicating with him, he dismantled his vehicle (apparently in a search for tracking devices he believed were hidden on it) and threw his keys into the desert. He walked aimlessly along the side of the highway, where he was then picked up by an officer. Davis escaped from the patrol vehicle, broke his collarbone, and was then taken to a hospital. Distressed about a conversation over artifacts found on his X-ray scans, interpreted by him as “alien artifacts”, he ran from the hospital and attempted to carjack a nearby truck before being arrested. In jail, he stripped himself, broke his glasses and jammed the frames into a nearby electrical outlet, trying to open his cell door by switching the breaker. This failed, as he had been wearing non-conductive frames. He was then admitted to a mental hospital for two weeks.[5]

Hold my beer. :joy:

On second thoughts…

In September 2018, OSNews editor Thom Holwerda wrote: “Davis was clearly a gifted programmer – writing an entire operating system is no small feat – and it was sad to see him affected by his mental illness”.[3] One fan described him as a “programming legend”, while another, a computer engineer, compared the development of TempleOS to a one-man-built skyscraper.[1][2] The engineer had previously spoken to Davis at length and believed that Davis, had it not been for his illness, could have been a “Steve Jobs” or a “Steve Wozniak”.[2] He added that it “actually boggles my mind that one man wrote all that” and surmised that it may be difficult for a layperson to understand how extraordinary it was to write an entire operating system alone.[1]

Daca te uiti in cat timp a facut jaful ala, era un programator diabolic de prost.

Harware, lol. Har har - ras. Ware - manufactured articles of a specified type. Postarea e HarWare de calitate (produs care te face sa razi) prin urmare. Asa scrie acolo, nu inventez eu. :smiling_imp:

Căutați următorul post fix după acela, cel din octombrie cu ‘s-au pierdut comenzile, asta e’.

Așa e când lucrezi doar cu spartani cu IQ peste 120 :slight_smile:

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spartanul din spate


Hahaha, voi nu il cunoasteti pe Vuscan … e un personaj mare aici in Oradea. Din cate stiu eu au call uri si deploy uri in weekend.

Cumva despre asta e vorba: Horea Vuşcan, condamnat cu suspendare după ce a ucis trei persoane, candidat la Primăria Oradea din partea Mişcării Populare, partid condus de Băsescu |

Exact el e :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Cand aveam cont de fakebook l-am blocat, tot apareau tampenii generate de respectivul, daca nu stiai cine e, puteai crede ca vine el si face revolutie.

Cireasa de pe tort a fost cand a pus ceva poliloghie cu cum vine el sa ne salveze el de politicienii corupti care au capusat firmele de stat imbogatindu-se… expert omul in asa ceva, tatal lui a fost sef peste distrusa fabrica de ulei, timp in care s-a imbogatit. Beizadea de beizadea.
Am inteles ca atunci cand a provocat accidentul a fost noapte, ceata, avea viteza foarte mare, iar cei in care a intrat nu aveau cum ‘sa se asigure’ din cauza faptului ca lumina nu da coltu’.
Asa a scapat usurel cu formulari tampite de lege.

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Nici nu stiam de el :rofl:

Faza e ca la cod cumva e o mândrie ca cineva să-ți fure/folosească codul, înseamnă că e mai bun decât ce-ar fi făcut el sau că variantă mai bună n-a găsit.

În alte domenii nu e chiar așa.