HEY - email reinventat, de la Basecamp


Screening mi se pare o idee bună, dar dacă primești un batch de spam-uri… ai ceva de lucru să bifezi ce vrei și ce nu :smiley:


si aici un video cu turul aplicatiei


Imi place designul site-ului :slight_smile:

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Chiar urmaream asta. Nu stiam ca s-a lansat. Going to try it out.

Primele probleme cu aplicatia iOS pe motiv de in app purchase

Am trecut prin aceeasi experienta cu o aplicatie iOS pe AppStore, modul cum impun regulile cei de la Apple sunt absolut aleatoare si fara logica.
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Atât Google cât și Apple rețin 30% de la început. Nu au știut până acum? Ba da. :smile:

On a different note, are cineva invites? :slight_smile:

Want an invite?

To get a code, email [email protected] and tell us how you feel about email. Could be a love story, or a hate story. Could be long, could be short. It’s your story, so it’s up to you.

We’ll only use your email address to send an invite to HEY, not for future marketing, sales, or anything like that. We’ll never sell or trade your name or email. In fact, the list will be destroyed once everyone on the list has been invited.

If your story is great, and we’d like to share it broadly, we’ll send you an email back asking your permission before publishing anything. Promise.

De aici

Le-am trimis mail. Daca imi raspund, actualizez raspunsul.

Stiu, le-am trimis de o luna aparent.

2 chestii interesante:

si https://m.signalvnoise.com/how-we-acquired-hey-com/


I’m in dar nu am invites. Sau nu am gasit inca de unde :slight_smile:

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Suma variaza foarte mult ca si procentaj functie de client, tara, valuta folosita… o multitudine de factori noi platim pana pe la 42%

Au ajuns la sentimente mai bune

Copiat de pe reddit pentru ca habar-n-aveam:

The best part is, the founder of Hey previously published a book called “ReWork” on marketing strategies. Here’s the relevant passage:

Chapter 4: Pick a Fight

“…Being anti-_____ is a great way to differentiate yourself and attract followers. For example, Dunkin’ Donuts likes to position itself as the anti-Starbucks. Its ads mock Starbucks for using “Fritalian” terms instead of small, medium, and large… There’s even a site called DunkinBeatStarbucks.com where visitors can send e-cards with statements like Friends don’t let friends drink Starbucks.”

And later in the chapter…

“Having an enemy gives you a great story to tell customers. Taking a stand always stands out. People get stoked by conflict. They take sides. Passions are ignited. And that’s a good way to get people to take notice.”

Seems like their marketing strategy worked exactly how they hoped.


Deci toată treaba asta a fost un marketing stunt? Noooo!!!

no way 2


Eu am mușcat momeala un pic - nu cât să devin subscriber sau să promovez Hey, dar atât încât să aud de ei și să văd despre ce este produsul :slightly_frowning_face: 10 minutes of my life I am not getting back.


Invitatie valabila pentru primii 2 norocosi: p6cyy4t


“Free” for all. :smiley: