How to build CoreFX on Windows

CoreFX contine librariile din .NET Framework portate cross platform.
Sursele le puteti descarca de la:

Instructiunile de build pe Windows:

For Visual Studio 2017:

When doing a ‘Workloads’ based install, the following are the minimum requirements:
.NET Desktop Development
All Required Components
.NET Framework 4-4.6 Development Tools
Desktop Development with C++
All Required Components
VC++ 2017 v141 Toolset (x86, x64)
Windows 8.1 SDK and UCRT SDK
VC++ 2015.3 v140 Toolset (x86, x64)
.NET Core cross-platform development
All Required Components

Plus trebuie instalat CMake pentru compilare cod nativ.
Urmatorul pas este debug pornind de la testele unitare.

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