Intel Core i9: Everything we know about Intel's hypercharged PC processor

De astazi se poate comanda procesorul i9 cu 18 cores, 36 thread-uri


full review roundup:

tl;dr: they released a 10-core with the ST performance of 7700K.

@tachyean din cate inteleg i9 e bazat pe Xeon architecture, si desigur vorbeste de politicile unfair intel, urmarind sa faca cat mai multi bani si nu sa faca the best product at the best price, i9 fiind doar o reactie la Ryzen.

Si un articol recent:

Intel unveils full specs for its 18-core i9 Extreme Edition CPU
The $2,000 chip will be available on September 25th.

Un nou anunt pe hackernews i9, 5 Ghz All The Time, 8 core