Python is eating the world: How one developer's side project became the hottest programming language on the planet

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uff, trebuie sa o spun. Nu imi place deloc python. :slight_smile:

  • oop este ciudat
  • functional programming este prezent prin lipsa
  • un singur mod de a scrie code is a BIG LIE
  • package management este absolut o mizerie
  • GIL
    /end rant

E ok, eu il folosesc in 90% din cazuri si nu ma plang (testare automata).

Discutia de pe hn

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Folosesc Python zilnic la munca (nu e o firma de software) automatizez tot ce prind.

Pitonu’ e tare pentru lucru cu date/Rpa.

Prinde Python, nu destul in Iasi din pacate pt mine…

Mai degraba ‘Javascript is eating the word!’

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Pe mine nu m-a prins niciodata, faptul ca au ales sa aiba 2 versiuni majore de python mereu m-a enervat.

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python prinde in general pentru non-programatori pentru ca e simplu de inceput cu el.
non-programatorii il folosesc in cercetare si alte domenii din astea science in care programarea e activitatea secundara (unealta) si nu scopul.
din motivul asta… exista multe librarii de tot felul… care au un wrapper in python.
pentru ca functioneaza bine in domenii trending (ex: analiza imagini / video, ai, etc)… pare ca limbajul e cheia, dar parerea mea e ca librariile respective sunt cheia, python fiind doar variatna comoda de acces a lor.


Si eu am evitat Python la inceput, din cauza indentarii :smiley:
Desigur, pe masura ce am evoluat, am ajuns sa apreciez enorm acest aspect, iar acum evit si C# si Java pe cat posibil (a fost mai rapida rescrierea unei aplicatii de procesare loguri decat adaugarea unei functionalitati noi si aducerea codului intr-o stare mentenabila).

Cele mai recente interactiuni personale cu PHP au avut loc din cauza WebPageTest si Phoronix Test Suite. Desi nu este Perl, in ambele cazuri am ramas cu impresia unei lipse de “eleganta”, in lipsa unui cuvant mai bun.

In incheiere, se pare ca nu sunt singurul care prefera Python in locul PHP:

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In the words of David Havera, Director of Blockchain Analytics Engineering, “GE Aviation Digital Group’s hope is to have a common language that can be used for backend Data Engineering to front end Analytics and Machine Learning. Microsoft have been instrumental in supporting this vision by bringing Python support in Azure Functions from preview to life, enabling a real world data science and Blockchain implementation in our TRUEngine project.”

Inca un pic si poate vine direct instalat cu windows

O sa mai curga ceva apa pe Dunare pana cand va inlocui PowerShell.
Intre timp, poate fi selectat la instalarea Visual Studio 2019 si Visual Studio 2017 :smiley:

This app ranks the popularity of dozens of programming languages. You can filter them by excluding sectors that aren’t relevant to you, such as “Web” or “Embedded.” (The sectors that languages are assigned to are based on typical use patterns we’ve seen in the wild, rather than atypical or proof-of-concept projects.) Rankings are created by weighting and combining 11 metrics from 8 sources—CareerBuilder, Google, GitHub, Hacker News, the IEEE, Reddit, Stack Overflow, and Twitter. (Read more about our method and sources).

The default set of weights produces our IEEE Spectrum ranking , but there are preset weights for those more interested in what’s trending or most looked for by employers. Don’t like the presets? Make your own ranking by adjusting the weights yourself using the “Create Custom Ranking” option.

This app and its metrics database was originally developed in collaboration with IEEE Spectrum by data journalist Nick Diakopoulous and rebuilt by Mythili Bagavandas and Gurdeep Singh.