The 2017 Stack Overflow Developer Survey is now live

The 2017 Stack Overflow Developer Survey is now live. Want to see how you stack up against the world’s developers? Take the survey now.


Iar aici rezultatele celor 64 mii de participanți:

Pe lângă omniprezentele trend-uri tehnologice, cu care ne-am tot obișnuit în ultima vreme, alte câteva puncte care ies în evidență:

  • A common misconception about developers is that they’ve all been programming since childhood. In fact, we see a wide range of experience levels. Among professional developers, 11.3% got their first coding jobs within a year of first learning how to program. A further 36.9% learned to program between one and four years before beginning their careers as developers.
  • Only 13.1% of developers are actively looking for a job. But 75.2% of developers are interested in hearing about new job opportunities.
  • When we asked respondents what they valued most when considering a new job, 53.3% said remote options were a top priority. A majority of developers, 63.9%, reported working remotely at least one day a month, and 11.1% say they’re full-time remote or almost all the time.
  • A majority of developers said they were underpaid. Developers who work in government and non-profits feel the most underpaid, while those who work in finance feel the most overpaid.