The Sad State of Web Development

Interesantă reacția despre React:

I don’t even know where to start with this project. From what I can tell the background of React is: Facebook couldn’t create a notification indicator on, so they create this over engineered dump pile to solve that problem. Now they can tell you how many unread posts you have while downloading 15 terabytes of Javascript. Once they solved that issue they proceeded to write everything in React. They even built a comment system with it, because you know making an Ajax call and a DOM append is really hard.

That’s right. All you guys using React like it’s the only way to solve every problem ever are using it because Facebook couldn’t build a fucking notification icon.

Despre Node:

the Node.js philosophy is to take the worst fucking language ever designed and put it on the server.


Intr-adevar asta e marea problema acum, pentru orice mica functionalitate se incarca tone de Javascript. Inainte browserele crapau din cauza Flash, acum JavaScript a devenit noul Flash ! :frowning:
De curand cineva mi-a spus ca-i merge situl greu, cand am verificat nu mi-a venit a crede: din 5.1 MB cat avea prima pagina, 2.3 MB erau JS.


De-asta incerc sa evit folosirea framework-urilor pe cat posibil.
Sigur, sunt situatii in care este mai rapid, ori mai lejer, sa folosesc un framework, dar nu o sa ma apuc sa folosesc sau sa creez nu-stiu-ce framework de JS pentru un amarat de apel AJAX… (cough facebook cough)

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Nimic nou, si eu si alti multi programatori impartasesc unele din problemele enuntate.
Overall e o scriere slaba, mult bitching fara solutii concrete/utile.

Not again, the “framework sux” syndrome :disappointed: :smiley:

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Eu sunt nou in contextul asta cu Node.JS/React, dar saptamana trecuta am preluat un proiect scris in Node cu interata in Angular, scris intr-un stil heirupist si mi-a luat ceva pana am pus toate componentele cap la cap ca sa il fac sa mearga pe masina mea. Inteleg ca lipsa mea de experienta cu stack-ul a inrautatit lucrurile dar cred ca e prima oara in foarte mult timp cand am simtit ca un proiect este coplesitor (over-engineered). Sa vedem cum/daca imi schimb parerea dupa 6 - 12 luni prin Node & friends.

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Cam sunt de acord.

The author deleted this Medium story


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Ceva pe aceesi tema in articolul asta .


foarte faina comparatia intre opere literare recunoscute si siteuri al caror continut e negljabil dpdv valoric; pacat ca nu prea rezoneaza lumea de business la astfel de abordari


And it’s back. :))