Câteva mituri:
- It’s okay to redistribute free GPL code. But paid GPL code? That’s not allowed
- you need to ask permission if you’re going to redistribute paid GPL code
- You’re not buying the code. You’re buying support and updates
Câteva mituri:
O idee foarte buna (exista multe mituri despre GPL), dar intr-un format oarecum nefericit - studiile arata ca daca repeti o informatie gresita - chiar daca imediat demonstrezi ca-i gresit - multa lume o sa perceapa “mai adevarat” ideea gresita.
Mai bine ar fi sa inceapa cu afirmatii adevarate, de genul:
Vezi si http://www.skepticalscience.com/Debunking-Handbook-now-freely-available-download.html