Alexa in Browser

Puteti rula Alexa in Browser, exista un front end la API Amazon Alexa pe GitHub:

Trebuie sa aveti cont pe Amazon Developer:

O alta varianta in browser mai simpla fara sa fie nevoie de cont Amazon Developer, puteti vedea request-urile in format JSON la endpoint Amazon realtime daca apasati Console On


related: awesome-amazon-echo

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Introduction to Voice Design with Amazon’s Alexa free by Amazon Alexa Developer Marketing and Evangelism on Udemy

A Framework for creating Amazon Echo (Alexa) skills using Node.js on GitHub by Accenture using Node.js

An Amazon Alexa Skills SDK for .NET

.NET library that simplifies Alexa skills development; same object model as Amazon’s AlexaSkillsKit for Java

Am primit de la Amazon Alexa un email daca sunt interesat de proiect si desigur un how to prepare for interview, so I tested Alexa Service and I am impressed by what they achieved.

Amazon Prep Doc - 2017 .pdf (324.5 KB)


Am mai primit un email de la Amazon Alexa despre interview preparation ceva mai detaliat:

Amazon SDE Interview Prep v5.1-1.pdf (926.8 KB)

Si un mic video despre Amazon Alexa: