Analogia unei omlete in software

Ma gandeam putin la interviuri in 2023 si mi-a venit in minte ideea unei analogii la omleta in cazul unui bucatar.

Ce considerati ca ar putea fi o omleta pentru un backend developer, un front-end, un mobile dev… ?

Noi intr-a noua am facut placinta de mere la prima ora de informatica. Ma rog, colegii nu mai programasera, eu facand informatica din clasa a II-a.

Nu ma refer la pasii in sine ca sa faci o omleta, ma refer ca si analogie. E.g. la un bucatar stii ca e un bucatar bun daca face o omleta intr-un anumit fel, ii trebuie tehnica, practica, experienta ca sa faca o omleta (de aia de restaurant cu stele michelin) mai bine ca cineva care bate 4 oua cu bacon, sare si piper si le amesteca pana se intareste.


For a React developer, the analogue for an omelette could be a React component. Just like an omelette is a dish made up of different ingredients mixed together, a React component is a self-contained unit of code that can be composed with other components to create a complex user interface. Both require careful attention to the composition and arrangement of different elements to achieve a desired outcome. Just as there are countless variations of omelettes with different ingredients and cooking techniques, there are countless variations of React components with different props, state, and lifecycle methods that can be used to create rich and dynamic user interfaces.

Here’s a possible grading system for a task that a mid-level front-end developer working with React could complete in 5 hours, with the omelette analogue:

  1. Component functionality (40 points): The component is reusable and displays data from an API endpoint, implements pagination functionality, sorting and filtering, and handles errors correctly.
  2. React proficiency (20 points): The code follows best practices for React development, such as using functional components, hooks, and state management appropriately.
  3. Code quality (20 points): The code is well-organized, easy to read and understand, and follows consistent coding conventions. The code includes appropriate comments and documentation where necessary.
  4. Styling (10 points): The component is styled appropriately using CSS, and is responsive for different screen sizes.
  5. Testing (5 points): The component has comprehensive unit tests that cover all functionality and edge cases.
  6. Git usage (5 points): The developer commits changes regularly with clear and descriptive commit messages.

This grading system would result in a total score of 100 points, with a passing grade of 70 or above. Just like an omelette, the component should be well-balanced and contain all of the necessary ingredients (functionality, proficiency, quality, styling, testing, and Git usage) to create a delicious and satisfying user experience.

nu stiu daca sunt de acord cu asta (de fapt nu sunt).
omleta care imi place mie e foarte probabil sa nu iti placa tie (cel putin nu incat sa spui ca e cea mai buna) si sigur cunosc cateva persoane care prefera omleta in alt fel.

daca ar fi sa facem analogia cu bucatarul (si nu cu omleta, cel putin asa inteleg eu de aici)…
cred ca un bucatar bun e ala care iti livreaza omleta conform preferintelor tale (repede daca iti e foame, din oua de strut daca asta preferi, asezata intr-un anume fel in farfurie daca asta conteaza pentru tine, etc).

daca omleta ar fi softwareul… cred ca important e sa cunosti chestii de baza despre gatit (elemente de programare adica) si despre aragaz (ce e ala un server, un ide, etc), sa poti urma o reteta (daca esti doar programator, nu si “arhitect”), si sa te poti integra in bucatarie (daca e o bucatarie cu mai multi oameni) - respectiv sa poti identifica cerinta / preferinta clientului si sa o poti livra in consecinta (daca esti un bucatar freelancer).

pentru fiecare tip de omleta in parte… sunt deja alte detalii de discutat (intr-un fel se gatesc ouale de gaina, in alt fel cele de prepelita si in alt fel cele de rata - respectiv frontend, backend, etc).

dezvoltam daca e de interes, doar am scris sa pot intelege mai bine ce am citit :slight_smile:

O omleta scapata pe jos devine distribuita :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

uneori sunt scrambled eggs in loc de omleta si asa sunt majoritatea aplicatiilor :sweat_smile:

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