Mesajul autorului de pe HN:

Hey everyone,

I’ve found that learning algorithms is more engaging when solving them with other people. So, I’ve built a site to help people learn algorithms and data structures together! I’ve worked on it with a friend for a few months and would love your feedback.

On Binary Search, you can create or join a room with others and work on the same coding problem together. You can choose to compete to finish the problem first, or solve them together and help each other out.

Working with friends (or strangers!) makes for a much more engaging atmosphere, and we’ve actually built a small community of coders who love to help each other out! Check it out at — we’ll be hanging out in some of the rooms. Let us know if you have any feedback or run into any issues. Hope to see you around!

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Inainte era CodeFights care facea cam acelasi lucru. Puteai sa te bati 1 vs 1 - cine rezolva primul agloritmul. Acum vad ca l-au transformat in CodeSignal care face cam altceva deja.

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