Digging into APFS, Apple’s new file system

Caveats: Perhaps most importantly, the file system currently is case-sensitive, and this cannot be disabled. HFS+ breaks with most Unix-y file systems in that it can be configured to not use case sensitivity; in fact, running OS X—ahem, macOS, sorry—with case-sensitive HFS+ can lead to its own problems.

Eu trăiam tot timpul cu impresia că este un lucru bun să ai case sensitivity în FS și acum ăsta e un caveat?!

Iar conceptul ăsta e interesant. Inutil pentru mine, dar interesant:

Also interesting is the concept of “space sharing,” where multiple volumes can be created out of the same chunk of underlying physical space. This sounds on first glance a lot like enterprise-style thin provisioning, where you can do things like create four 1TB volumes on a single 1TB disk, and each volume grows as space is added to it. You can add physical storage to keep up with the volume’s growth without having to resize the logical volume.


E bine sa ai un FS case sensitive (cum e pe Linux), doar ca HFS are o mostenire mare in spate. Cand au adaugat suport pentru case-sensitive deja erau aplicatii care nu functionau corect pe noul sistem de fisiere pentru ca… bad programming.
In 2017 am impresia ca aplicatiile Adobe Creative Suite tot nu merg cum trebuie pe HFS+ Case Sensitve.
Iar utilizatorii de OS X / macOS s-au complacut in situatia asta, pentru ca… it just works.

Ceea ce NU imi place legat de APFS este lipsa a ZFS-style checksums - mai multe detalii:


Iar motivul:

The APFS engineers I talked to cited strong ECC protection within Apple storage devices. Both flash SSDs and magnetic media HDDs use redundant data to detect and correct errors. The engineers contend that Apple devices basically don’t return bogus data.