Front-end (JavaScript) & Back-end Mid/Senior

Buna tuturor! Noi suntem Cloud Business Services (, companie cu profil IT, Outsourcing si suntem in cautarea unor developeri entuziasti, care vor face parte dintr-un proiect start-up in domeniul turismului, in colaborare cu una dintre cele mai renumite agentii de turism din Romania, Christian Tour.
Persoanele interesate ma pot contacta la urmatorul numar de telefon: 0758531737 L-V 09:00-18:00
Mail : [email protected]

Front-end (JavaScript) Mid/ Senior

  • JavaScript

  • HTML

  • CSS 3,5

  • Twitter Bootstrap,

  • SCSS

  • jQuery

  • Angular or React

Vue.js and PHP or Laravel will be a plus
Level of knowledge for the listed technologies - senior, at least 5 years of demonstrable experience for each is necessary.
Ability to work independently based on requirements.
UI Design proven with a portfolio.
Back-end development experience from the point of view of the integration of the front-end and back-end components.

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Buna tuturor! Noi suntem Cloud Business Services (, companie cu profil IT, Outsourcing si suntem in cautarea unor developeri entuziasti, care vor face parte dintr-un proiect start-up in domeniul turismului, in colaborare cu una dintre cele mai renumite agentii de turism din Romania, Christian Tour.
Persoanele interesate ma pot contacta la urmatorul numar de telefon: 0758531737 L-V 09:00-18:00
Mail : [email protected]

PHP Developer (Back-end) Mid/ Senior

  • REST API design and development

  • PHP Frameworks: Laravel (preferred), Symfony

  • JSON Web Token

  • Spring

  • Linux

  • Apache HTTP or NGNIX

  • Apache Tomcat

  • jBoss

  • Hibernate

  • HTML

  • J2EE/Java Enterprise

  • Eclipse Java SE

  • Packagist (developing custom Composer packages)

  • MySQL

  • MongoDB

Level of knowledge for the listed technologies - senior, at least 5 years of demonstrable experience for each is necessary.
Ability to work independently based on requirements.
Front end development experience from the point of view of the integration of the back end with the front end…

cauti Full Stack Dev nu Back-end Dev


Poți preciza și salariul liniștit, fără 5000 de euro lunar nu găsești sau nu are experiența cerută de voi. În special la un startup, cel mai greu loc de muncă pentru un programator.


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