How I Found A Vulnerability To Hack iCloud Accounts and How Apple Reacted To It

Din ce am mai citit am înțeles că Apple nu au tocmai cea mai bună relație cu bug bounty hunters

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Yep. Ăsta era link-ul. Postasem link-ul și pe un alt site și aici lipisem doar titlul. Scuze :slight_smile:

Eh, alții spun altceva:

Overall, Apple was very responsive to our reports. The turn around for our more critical reports was only four hours between time of submission and time of remediation.

To be brief: Apple’s infrastructure is massive.

They own the entire IP range, which includes 25,000 web servers with 10,000 of them under, another 7,000 unique domains, and to top it all off, their own TLD (dot apple). Our time was primarily spent on the IP range,, and since that was where the interesting functionality appeared to be.


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