How to end up with 500,000 commits in your log

The way this worked is that on every push the SVN server would run this PHP script to copy the changes to the right container based on the committer, the idea being that everyone only got their their own changes and not other people’s. You didn’t work off a martin branch – branches are for losers – you would always commit to the main trunk branch, which was the only branch people used. The script would look at the committer and copy all the files that commit touched to that person’s container. Every once in a while you manually updated your directory to get other people’s changes. Two people working on the same file at the same time was … unwise.

It really was a subversion of subversion.

Asta este o observație a unui om care n-a folosit SVN și/sau branch-uri în SVN în viața lui (în afara acestui usecase… deosebit).[1]

E.g. din cartea subversion: (practic biblia lor? :smiley: )

After all, avoiding repeated merges of changes is the primary goal of Subversion’s merge tracking feature!

Ori tipul din articol chiar asta propune: branch-uri si repeated merges (sau ar fi trebuit șters/generat un nou user pentru fiecare feature?).

  1. Nu zic că firma aia proceda bine sau că nu existau metode mai bune pentru situația asta, zic strict doar de remarca ăstuia. ↩︎

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