Lambda Coding Boot Camp Claims 86 Percent of Students Get Tech Jobs. They Don’t

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Lambda’s educational model hinges on student-contractors called Team Leads (TLs) — students who, two months into their education, defer another two months in order to become teaching assistants tasked with taking attendance, checking in with other students, and answering questions. These student-contractors are paid roughly $13 an hour and have only just learned the material they are then tasked with explaining to the next batch of students. One student told me he was given no training on how to be a TL and spent many hours on devising curriculum and exercises to help other students. Another student, Erica Thompson, told me that TLs “are hired on a Friday and start on Monday.”

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Oricum si 50% mi se pare foarte bine ca rezultat. Nu suna asa bine ca 86% dar e foarte bine. Sunt curios la scolile din romania cam care e procentul.

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