Life Simulation

Am facut fork pe GitHub la urmatorul repository de la @Cosmin_Popescu, ce poti spune @Cosmin_Popescu despre simularea vietii.

Am putea adauga @iamntz categoria re-search.

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In anul 4 am facut la facultate Bioinformatica. Este o disciplina care foloseste tehnicile si algoritmilor din stiinta calculatoarelor pt rezolvarea problemelor din medicina si biologie

Exemplu de problema:
Se obtine codul genetic al unui nou organism si se direste sa se vada cu ce cod genetic ar semana
Codul genetic este un sir de litere din alfabetul ACTG

Acele programe in Python sunt rezolvarea laboratoarelor.

@Cosmin_Popescu iti multumeste pt steluta de pe github

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Poate un exemplu de simulare este Conway the Game of Life

Tabelul de mai jos indică nucleotidele (Adenină, Guanină, Citosină, Uracil și Timină)

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Il stiu dar e prea simplu.

Codul genetic este asemanator cu un program de calculator. Cea mai mare parte este comentata

Classical Genetics Simulator

A web-based genetics lab, allowing students to apply lessons in Mendelian genetics to real-world scenarios

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DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

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@adavidoaiei cate ceva de citit in timpul liber :smiley:

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Incerc s-a caut niste exemple de implementare a acestor algoritmi in JavaScript, daca mai faceti re-search puteti pune aici:

tradu-l pe asta din python in js

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M-a uitam dupa un DNA simulator in JavaScript, nu am gasit ce am dorit:

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Life forms

After intensive search and experimentations, several dozens of stable life forms (or " solitons ") were discovered. They were then given “scientific names” and being categorized similar to biological taxonomy and organic chemistry. The “bug with stomach” in LtL/RealLife/SmoothLife turns out to be Scutium solidus within the order Scutiformes , and the eyeball-like bug (video) is very similar to Orbium unicaudatus within the order Orbiformes . Other known orders include the wings-bearing Pterifera , the single-ring Anuliformes , and the double-spiral Heliciformes . Sizes range from single-sac Orbium or Gyropteron to multi-sac Nonahelicium or Tetracosapteryx .


Cellular automata (CA) is a simple set of mathematical rules that could produce a myriad of complex patterns. In the most popular CA Game of Life (GoL) , interesting patterns range from the tiny glider, a gun that shoots gliders, to extreme constructions capable of simulating a digital clock (video), a computer (video), and even the CA itself (video).

The discrete nature of GoL has been taken to continuous limits in other CAs. Larger than Life (LtL) took a larger radius of neighborhood, RealLife took the radius to infinity and approached continuous space (theoretically), and SmoothLife explored continuity and smoothness in cell values, space and time. They produce more life-like patterns, like the “bug with stomach” that moves in any direction.

Aici poate intra si Multiple Agents Reinforcement Learning: