MojoJs - real-time web framework

Back when i started with Node, one of the first problems i constantly ran into was some NPM module deep down in my node_modules folder breaking its API in a minor version bump and causing hours of cleanup work. So pretty early on avoiding this issue became a priority for the mojo.js port, and i see it as one of the main niches for us to corner. You want to write a fast JS/TS web service that still works in 10 years? Use mojo.js!

E prea PHP pentru NodeJS.

Fara TypeScript nu are viitor.

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  • Written in TypeScript, with very clean class and async/await based APIs.

Documentatia n-are un singur exemplu. :smiley:

Pe prima pagină are chiar două exemple.

Ma refeream la TypeScript, documentația e în JS.

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citesc despre asta, Mojo 🔥: Programming language for all of AI . are legatura cu mojo.js?

unul e pt boala web dev, altu pt ai :see_no_evil:

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