Monetization in Startups, MonetizationLab

Am facut cateva cautari pe net despre monetizarea in Startups si nu am gasit nimic de calitate inca care sa merite precizat dar am gasit un site interesant care are scop sa ofere un fel de informatii de consultanta in functie de tip-ul startup-ului selectat si nisa aleasa:

1.) MonetizationLab: Monetization strategy for your startup or internet business, delivered in bitsized blocks

Cineva spunea pe quora:
“Think about monetization first and development next.”

In The E-Myth Revisited author Michael Gerber talks about the archetypes of running a business. They are: entrepreneur, manager and technician (discussed in more detail here).

The entrepreneur is the dreamer, the visionary, and the creative mind.

The manager is the person who thinks about return on investment (ROI), near-term success, and productivity.

The technician gets the work done. She follows the manager’s guidance and is concerned about today’s success.

2.) Un alt site interesant:
Customer Development Labs
Am urmarit primul film care explica diferenta dintre cele doua tip-uri de Business-uri, Business to Consumer si Business to Business si cum trebuiesc tratate, e bine sa intelegi diferenta dintre ele si sa vezi ce tip de Business doresti sa faci, desi tehnicile de abordare cred ca pot fii combinate uneori, o sa imi fac timp sa studiez si alte informatii de pe acest site.

Ely The Computer Guy zice “developement is 10% of the startup, 90% is business” (sau ceva de genu), care intareste citatul dat de tine.