Otto - succesorul lui Vagrant

Otto automatically builds development environments without any configuration; it can detect your project type and has built-in knowledge of industry-standard tools to setup a development environment that is ready to go. When you’re ready to deploy, otto builds and manages an infrastructure, sets up servers, builds, and deploys the application.


l-ai incercat?

Eu nu am nevoie de o virtualizare foarte șmecheră, prin urmare Vagrant îmi este suficient.

Când vor fi mașini preparate pentru ce am eu nevoie, îl voi încerca.

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Hm, pare sa fie o toola on top of it… uite ce zice la mine

←[0m←[1m==> Creating local development environment with Vagrant if it doesn't exist...←[0m

Let the play begin!


@iamntz folosesti Puppet sau pur si simplu bash scripturi?

Habar n-am. Foloseac un box preconfigurat de altii: vvv.

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Azi in asteptarea rezolvarii problemelor cu vagrant am testat si otto. Not friendly enough :smile:


Se pare că Otto nu a avut chiar succesul scontat…

Today we are decommissioning Otto and ending active development and maintenance. This is motivated by several reasons, but primarily we felt the core abstractions and the out-of-box functionality of Otto did not meet our initial goal.

Presupun ca cu competitie de la Docker le-a fost mai greu.
Recomand Terraform de la ei, e un tool misto pentru infrastructura, mai ales pe partea de AWS.