Problema CodeIgniter


Lucrez la un blog in CodeIgniter. Am adaugat un controller pentru posturi cu metoda “create”.
Problema e ca atunci cand incerc sa intru pe /blog/create primesc eroarea asta:

Controllerul arata asa:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

use  App\Models\BlogModel;

class Blog extends BaseController {

    function post($slug) {

        echo view('templates/header');
        echo view('blog/post');
        echo view('templates/footer');


        function create() {
            $model = new BlogModel();

            if(! $this->validate([
                'title' => 'required | min_length[3] | max_length[255]',
                'body' => 'required'
            ])) {
                echo view('templates/header');
                echo view('blog/post');
                echo view('templates/footer');
            } else {
                        'title' => $this->request->getVar('title'),
                        'body' => $this->request->getVar('body'),
                        'slug' => url_title($this->request->getVar('title'))
                return redirect()->to('/');


Controllerul l-am scris dupa un tutorial in care la el vad ca merge…aveti vreo idee ce ar insemna eroarea respectiva?

Nu cred ca le-am vazut scrise vreodata cu spatiu, normal daca e bine implementat ar trebui sa mearga… dar… incearca sa scrii asa:


multumesc mult, a mers. pace

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Cascading Rules

CodeIgniter lets you pipe multiple rules together. Let’s try it. Change your rules in the third parameter of rule setting method, like this:

        'username', 'Username',
                'required'      => 'You have not provided %s.',
                'is_unique'     => 'This %s already exists.'
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('passconf', 'Password Confirmation', 'required|matches[password]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|valid_email|is_unique[]');

The above code sets the following rules:

  1. The username field be no shorter than 5 characters and no longer than 12.
  2. The password field must match the password confirmation field.
  3. The email field must contain a valid email address.

Tocmai ma pregateam sa raspund :slight_smile:

Thank yoooou