"Instead we’re adding a second kind of object which unfortunately is known as weak map. And that’s a problem because nobody wants to put anything weak in their program, right? context
So the old web was great because it provided promiscuity. It meant that you could go and connect to anything and you’re probably going to be okay. You might get shocked and embarrassed but your machine’s not going to get taken over, your identity is not going to get stolen. That hasn’t always been true but pretty much the web can do that and that’s good because that allows us to get introduced to things. We used to call it surfing. That you could go from one thing to another and discover stuff and start forming relationships. Unfortunately, the same thing which allows the promiscuity to work is very bad for dealing with commmitment. So that’s what the new web is for. You know, once I have found my bank I want to make sure from this point on I’m talking to my bank and I’m not talking to anything which pretends to be my bank. context
Am citit de vreo 2 ori si nu ma prind unde poate fi. Incep sa cred ca sexismul e un fel de frumusetea la pictura abstracta: e in mintea privitorului (cititorului).
Eu intotdeauna am vazut sexismul ca fiind nesimtirea bazata pe genul unei persoane. ce e nesimtit aici?
Nu stiu daca este sexist - desi termenul este folosit cel mai des sub forma derogatorie catre F. insa metafora in sine este cam imbecila in contextul dat:
the old web was great because it was characterized by many transient sexual relationships
Wtf? Daca facea stand-up da, poate ar fi fost funny? insa in video pare complet serios.
1600, people or things, “mingled confusedly, grouped together without order, consisting of a disorderly mix; indiscriminate,” from Latin promiscuus “mixed, indiscriminate, in common, without distinction,” from pro- “forward” (see pro-) + miscere “to mix” (see mix (v.)). Meaning “indiscriminate in sexual relations” recorded by 1857, from promiscuity. The Latin adjective was used with conubia (such as between patricians and plebeians)
ffs again cu lb. romana. Stii ca exista si alte limbi in afara de romana nu?
Ce-am vrut sa spun este ca sensul primar in limba Engleza este clar de cel putin 100 de ani. Trebuie sa fii destul de ignorant sa-l folosesti ca mixing crap cand in majoritatea cazurilor pe langa faptul ca toata lumea stie ceea ce inseamna are si tenta derogatorie.
I like the dude, este una din pers. ca mi-a “ghidat” “cariera” insa asta nu ma opreste sa afirm ca metafora folosita este complet pe langa.