Se cauta programator pentru hackathon fintech

FinPlay, award winner team (Techstar start-up weekend, Elevator Lab Bucharest) is looking for a programmer with 3+ years experience backend (php, java, ruby etc), know how to work with APIs REST, SOAP, frontend (html,javascript,css).

UX is an advantage to join our team in a fintech hackhaton 24h competition 27-28 July.
If you are interested to participate please contact my team at [email protected]

Long story short sunt parte din aceasta echipa dar in wk respectiv nu pot fi prezent asa ca trebuie sa gasim un inlocuitor.

Despre ce hackathon e vorba?

Macar unde se tine

Asta e evenimentul:
era ideea ca discutiile sa se duca pe mail pentru ca nu ma ocup personal de “recrutare”

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