Software is hard

Stiu ca o parte dintre voi lucreaza in automotive. Ce nu inteleg companiile auto traditionale e ca odata cu electrificare trebuie sa fii mai intai “a software company”.

Breaking bad news: VW with more software problems

Trinity from VW Group CEO Blume delayed for another 4 years from 2026 to 2030, according to media reports and company sources

The so-called software generation 2.0 envisaged by Blume’s predecessor Herbert Diess …

… as a cross-brand car operating system is not expected to be launched until 2029 instead of 2026 because the already delayed predecessor versions required additional work

Thus, the future model platform SSP & Trinity model based on software & platform slipped far behind

Blume & VW brand manager Schäfer told the workforce that the important project would be put to the test once again "We are currently taking the opportunity to look at all projects & investments and check their viability

If this is true the it’s a life-threatening issue for VW
VW CEO Blume has already made it clear to confidants that the Trinity factory planned for the Warmenau district of Wolfsburg will probably not be built the media reports. The original plan was to start construction in spring 2023, and VW had budgeted a good €2 billion for it
However, the decision has not yet been formally made. The managers emphasized: "We make the decisions together - on the board, but also in close consultation with the employees.
VW Group’s existing MEB BEV platform has terrible SW, is at least a generation behind the competition & sales is declining

VW will not be competitive in the 2025-30 years without the Trinity factory & models

In 2030 no one will buy an ICE anymore

These are extremely bad news
“The E3 1.2 software, which is already years late and primarily intended for Porsche and Audi, is to be used for longer and refreshed again in between. The E3 2.0 software will not start in 2026, but in 2029”

Bottlenecks at Cariad are cited as the reason for the later launch

VW now plans that the current ID.3 and ID.4 will receive a refresh for a good billion euros - among other things for better software, more range and a faster charging time

Haven’t we heard that before?
Instead of the ambitious Trinity series there will initially be additional electric models based on the MEB modular system that has not been planned so far. These could be built at the old Wolfsburg plant, which is being partly converted to electric anyway company sources said
The future of the VW group has never been as bad as it is today

New BEV Models based on an outdated, poor MEB platform will not be competitive, and without a massive software leap in the next 8 years, VW is literally screwed and will lose massive market share

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Nu are legatura, dar cica intr-o masina moderna, sunt mai multe linii de cod, decat in sisteme de operare mai vechi, jocuri video etc


Da, e o problema cu toate companiiile de inginerie si produs. In special cele germane.

Abordeaza software-ul de parca ar fi inginerie exacta, dar stim bine ca nu este.

Da, software is hard si or sa vada pe naiba toate companiile astea care nu erau software first si sunt fortate de imprejurari sa devina. Chiar am trait(si traiesc) pe propria piele muncind pentru o companie de genul asta. E greu si o sa fie si mai greu. Bugetele sunt mici, oamenii capabili sunt putini, pretentiile businessului sunt foarte mari si deadline-urile sunt mai nasoale ca la multe firme de outsourcing.

Iar fenomenul inca nu a atins apogeul. Digitalizarea vine peste toata industria europeana(si germana in mod special). Dezvoltarea de software este deja si va fi din ce in ce mai complicata, e nevoie de oameni si de bani pentru mentenanta si dezvoltari ulterioare iar oamenii care sunt acolo sus si decid nu vad padurea de copaci.

Partea buna e ca avem mult de munca in perioada urmatoare. Iar Andrei Caramitru viseaza cum no code ne va rezolva probleme si cum vom fi concediati cu totii pe capete.


o sa vezi ca peste 10 ani domnu andrei o sa-si scrie singur platformele. scoate un emag la 2-3 zile si in 4 zile un feisbuc. mai greu cu google.

astia nu inteleg ca e mai mult vorba de capacitatea de a depsita si a rezolva probleme decat de if/else