Teleconsole: UNIX shell broadcasting tool

un mic tool open source pentru terminal sharing, similar cu ngrok/localtunnel/tmate dar cu browser support & fara a avea nevoie sa hostezi un server (in cazul tmate)

We built this as a dead simple way to share terminal sessions for our internal dev use. We use it to collaborate, help debug issues and show off websites or web apps running on our local host (no need to deploy to staging). We thought it might be useful to others, so we are offering it as a free service for you to use.
The service creates single-use disposable anonymous SSH proxies for your secure sessions. Once a session is over, a proxy is destroyed and no data is stored.


Foarte inteligent, deja ma dispera teamviewer si pe linux.

Pe mine m-a invatat cineva demult screen, si am facut de cateva ori valuri la randul meu aducand pe toata lumea in sesiune sa vada ce tastam. Singurul drawback era ca trebuiau sa fie toti cu sah acolo, dar consider ca e mai sigur asa.