Am avut de explicat cuiva TDD-ul, m-am gandit sa folosesc codul de mai sus si am incercat sa-mi dau seama timp de vre-o doua ore de ce nu merge… foloseam exec
in loc de eval
AIci aveti codul functional, iar mai jos rezultatul (ce afiseaza):
// function to test stuff
function test($function_name, $function_input, $desired_output){
$function_call = 'return '.$function_name.'('.$function_input.');';
$output = array();
$function_output = eval($function_call);
/* echo '<br/>['. $function_call. ']<br/>{' .$function_output. '}<br/>'; */
$desired_output_ = ($desired_output == null)
? '`null`' : $desired_output;
$function_output_ = ($function_output == null)
? '`null`' : $function_output;
$function_input_ = ($function_input == null)
? '`null`' : $function_input;
// finished debug variables cleaning
if($function_output != $desired_output) {
echo '[X] Failed: 	'.$function_name.
'<br/>| wanted: 	'.$desired_output_.
'<br/>| obtained : 	'.$function_output_.
'<br/>| input: 	'.$function_input_;
} else {
echo '[O] Passed: 	'.$function_name.
'<br/>| obtained: 	'.$desired_output_.
'<br/>| input: 	'.$function_input_;
echo '<br/><br/><br/>';
echo '<style>pre, code {
font-family: "Lucida Console", Consolas;font-size:13px;
</style><pre><code class="html">'; // formatting the output
// the function we want to test
function division($to_divide,$divide_by){
$rezultat=$to_divide / $divide_by;
return $rezultat;
// the tests themselves
test('division', '3,1',3); /* 3/1 = 3 */
test('division', '3,2','1.5'); /* 3/2 = 1.5 */
test('division', '3,0',null); /* 3/0 = null */
/* the function to test, after which we found a case in which it doesen't works
* and we have repaired it. The tests remain unchanged. Not the function decides
* what tests we write, but the tests decide what function we write, so the
* function decides the input data and output data we want/seek.
function division2($to_divide,$divide_by){
if($divide_by == 0)
return null;
$rezultat=$to_divide / $divide_by;
return $rezultat;
// the tests themselves
test('division2', '3,1',3); /* 3/1 = 3 */
test('division2', '3,2','1.5'); /* 3/2 = 1.5 */
test('division2', '3,0',null); /* 3/0 = null */
test('division2', '3,0','null'); /* null != String(null) */
function wierd_math($first, $second, $tird, $fourth){
$result = division2($first, $second) + division2($tird, $fourth);
return $result;
test('wierd_math','3,1,4,2',5); /* 3/1 + 4/2 = 3 + 2 = 5 */
test('wierd_math','3,1,3,2',4.5); /* 3/1 + 4/2 = 3 + 1.5 = 4.5 */
test('wierd_math','3,1,3,2','4.5'); /* just to be sure we did it right... */
test('wierd_math','3,1,4,0',null); /* 3/1 + 4/0 = 3 + null = ...null? */
function wierd_math2($first, $second, $tird, $fourth){
if($second == 0 || $fourth == 0)
return null;
$result = division2($first, $second) + division($tird, $fourth);
return $result;
test('wierd_math2','3,1,4,2',5); /* 3/1 + 4/2 = 3 + 2 = 5 */
test('wierd_math2','3,1,3,2',4.5); /* 3/1 + 4/2 = 3 + 1.5 = 4.5 */
test('wierd_math2','3,1,3,2','4.5'); /* just to be sure we did it right... */
test('wierd_math2','3,1,4,0',null); /* 3/1 + 4/0 = 3 + null = ...null? */
echo '</code></pre>'; // formatting the output
[O] Passed: division
| obtained: 3
| input: 3,1
[O] Passed: division
| obtained: 1.5
| input: 3,2
Warning: Division by zero in localhost\_testing.php on line 38
[X] Failed: division
| wanted: `null`
| obtained : INF
| input: 3,0
[O] Passed: division2
| obtained: 3
| input: 3,1
[O] Passed: division2
| obtained: 1.5
| input: 3,2
[O] Passed: division2
| obtained: `null`
| input: 3,0
[X] Failed: division2
| wanted: null
| obtained : `null`
| input: 3,0
[O] Passed: wierd_math
| obtained: 5
| input: 3,1,4,2
[O] Passed: wierd_math
| obtained: 4.5
| input: 3,1,3,2
[O] Passed: wierd_math
| obtained: 4.5
| input: 3,1,3,2
[X] Failed: wierd_math
| wanted: `null`
| obtained : 3
| input: 3,1,4,0
[O] Passed: wierd_math2
| obtained: 5
| input: 3,1,4,2
[O] Passed: wierd_math2
| obtained: 4.5
| input: 3,1,3,2
[O] Passed: wierd_math2
| obtained: 4.5
| input: 3,1,3,2
[O] Passed: wierd_math2
| obtained: `null`
| input: 3,1,4,0