Tic-Tac-Go! A Tic-Tac-Toe solver in Golang I’ve seen quite a bit of community interest in learning Go but not a lot of material around it. As an exercise for myself, I started writing a Tic-Tac-Toe solver in Golang to get the hang of the language. In...
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Pt cei care vor sa invete “putin” Go
(Adavidoaiei Dumitru-Cornel )
decembrie 10, 2017, 10:10am
Mie imi place mai mult:
Il pot traduce in JavaScript.
L-am facut in 2014. Merge pe Windows 8.1. Am vrut sa il pun in store, dar nu am reusit.
MainPage.xaml.cs - aici este implmentata logica
In MainPage.xaml este designul
(George Calianu)
decembrie 10, 2017, 11:24am
He he, nu stiu cati sunt dispusi sa o faca mai ales ca implica o schimbare majora de filosofie