Salutare, primesc reject la upload-ul aplicatiei pe Google Play. Folosesc expo 38, am setat in app.json permission. Pentru iOS am reusit in InfoPlist sa pun descrierile pentru locatii si camera insa pe android nu gasesc cum.
“permissions”: [
Prominent disclosure not found
Your app must display a prominent disclosure through a pop-up alert before your app’s location runtime permission. Based on our review, a prominent disclosure did not appear before the runtime permission.
Please add a prominent disclosure before the runtime permission.
Remember, your prominent disclosure must:
Appear before your app’s location runtime permission.
Include at least the following sentence, adapted to include all the relevant features requesting access to location in the background in the app that are readily visible to the user: “This app collects location data to enable [“feature”], [“feature”], & [“feature”] even when the app is closed or not in use.” If you extend permitted usage to ads, please also include: “This data is also used to provide ads/support advertising/support ads.”
Include any other details necessary to make it clear to the user how and why you are using location in the background. While additional content is permitted, it should not cause the required content to not be immediately visible.