A primit careva invitatie pe Docker Private Beta?

Docker a lansat o versiune beta pt. Windows / Mac: https://beta.docker.com.

As vrea link-ul de download pt. Mac daca a primit careva invite, thanks.


N-a mai spus nimeni nimic. Asa ca:




Am primit invite la Beta, dar ai nevoie de Token dupa instalare si de aceea n-am mai postat. Initial am crezut ca le pot instala daca am link-ul de download.

Merci oricum!

Dupa ce am postat mi-a sarit in ochi si faza cu token-ul. Daca-l vrea cineva, sa sara pe privat (cu mentiunea ca nu stiu daca merge folosit de mai multe ori, dar puteti incerca). :slight_smile:

I must recognize I was a bit hyped about the ‘fakely-native’ Docker for OS X, and finding it was still not fast enough on my machine let me down a bit. But on the other hand, it’s faster than before and I got things like Guard and Mailcatcher working out of the box, so I’d say Docker has made a great progress, being now on the good path to accommodate the everyday development needs and it will get there eventually.

via Docker continued: trying out the beta for OS X and Rails - CookiesHQ


Chiar dacă nu e chiar nativ, după cum a subliniat deja @isti37 într-un post, consider un mare progres faptul că te poţi lipsi de încă un produs Oracle (i.e. VBox), pe ambele OS. :smiling_imp:

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